My Last Goodbye

“We do not remember days, we remember moments.”― Cesare Pavese

There have been many goodbyes to Barcelona. I hope one day to return, I hope sooner than later.  But, as the title says this is where I will say my last goodbye, for now.

In the time I was in Barcelona I never really thought about the end. 

It feels like in memory recalling the trip it’s like I got off the plane and experienced another life for one long day and then came back. I’ve started back at work and mostly have gotten back into my routine now. It feels truly distant at times.

The red roofs, the tan facades of buildings and the cobble paths. The clear water of the Mediterranean and the street lamps with gentle beams that shine and illuminate the night. The slight screech of the metro as it brakes for passengers. They all seem from a borrowed life.

I try whenever I’m on vacation to soak in the most of a place, so maybe it won’t feel so far away when I come back, but it truly is an impossible task.  

 Barcelona truly for me is a moment in time that is unforgettable, because of the scenery, the people that came with me on this trip and the unique look into Barcelona through our workshops. 

I can get melancholy about it all, if I think about it too much, Then again I could about most things too. 

This trip and experience was an era. It was possibly my last true uni summer trip. After this summer, I’ll be entering my last year in Undergraduate and then likely graduating into the world. I don’t know where exactly, I’ll work or even live and that can be stressful. I know it will work out, but there are so many things I would like to do and so many things I’d like to be. 

The Transit of life never stops. The train from Barcelona has left and now I am left with the door of possibilities. I will remember the borrowed life and I will remember the dreams I had in wake. Where I go now, I am not sure, but I can’t wait.

Barna Dreaming forever,


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