Love Letter to Barcelona

Dear Barcelona,

On May 30th, ten college students made the long journey to you with hopes of experiencing something new, something different. We were ten people that came from different worlds, backgrounds, and friend groups. We experienced you for twenty-one days. None of us knew how the group would fit in with each other. Would there be cliques? Would there be drama? It was one big question to everyone. But none of us would’ve guessed that one special place can bring people together in a way that nothing else can.

You created a family, Barcelona. A family that laughs together, laughs at each other, makes sure that everyone feels seen and heard, and most importantly, loves one another. You gave us some of the best experiences that we’ll still be talking about ten years down the road. You showed us your beautiful architecture, gifted us with blue skies and summer heat, let us experience your amazing food that we’ll be dreaming about, and immersed us into your beautiful culture.

Every day brought something new; new adventure, new chaos, and more and more love for you. From exploring the city to playing board games in the common room, we still could never wrap our heads around the fact that we were lucky enough to be with you. You made us sweat buckets every day. You made our feet throb all of the time. You made us feel exhausted like no other. But would we change any part of that? No. You gave us the kind of happiness that many dream about. And you were a dream, Barcelona. You gave us so much. But the best gift you could’ve ever given us was each other. You brought ten people together that probably would’ve never met or spoken outside of you. You bonded us for life. And for that, I thank you. We left our hearts with you. But don’t worry, we’ll be back, Barcelona.

With all my love,


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