The Experience

Barcelona has a complicated but culturally rich history. Exploring this history and its effect on the creative thinking, art, and culture of this UNESCO world heritage city is important to the Creative Journey program. 

Museums and exploration of local architecture and iconic historical sites are important and will be an integral part of the students learning experience through an immersive pedagogical approach. I plan to provide the students with an authentic, localized, community-based curriculum emphasizing creative thinking and entrepreneurship. 

Communication is fundamental to building understanding in society. Our robust communication curriculum teaches students the skills they need to be effective communicators in a complex world. Learning to communicate while immersed in a new culture, however, will help create global awareness, enhance learning, and stimulate personal growth. Our students have learned how to design a brochure, write a powerful story, or make a beautiful picture, but doing these familiar things in communication in an unfamiliar place drives innovation, curiosity, creativity and helps students develop a global context for communication. 

Culture Club

With so much to do and see in this vibrant, historical city, take some time to explore – some are mandatory, because you don’t want to miss them. Others are more “choose your own adventure.” 


Make sure you hit ALL of these sites. Check the “Scavenger Hunt” assignment in the syllabus for what you need to do at each.


Choose at least THREE of the sites below to explore. Check the “Scavenger Hunt” assignment in the syllabus for what you need to accomplish at each place.